Lessons that I learned after Watching Disney-Pixar's Coco

   Disney-Pixar's Coco is about a young boy Miguel who is torn between obeying family tradition and following what his heart truly desires--his love for music.

   The movie is set is a small Mexican town on Dia de Los Muertos, a time when the souls of the dearly departed crosses over to our world to receive offerings and come to visit.

1. Remember (Yeah, just like the movie's main ost)
   In the movie, the departed's (literal) ticket to give them permission to cross is when they are remembered by the living family by setting up ofrendas (altar with pictures and beloved posessions of the deceased) and Aztec Marigold petals which serves as their guide.
   Young Miguel's family and neighborhood shows us the meaning of these Mexican traditions and the relevance why they should be celebrated and passed on from generations to come.

   This doesn't only apply to Mexicans but to Filipinos as well. Having close family ties, we never forget our deceased loved ones because we believe that even in the afterlife, they can still see us and they still long for us, so we make them feel at home during this time of the year.
   It is important for us to remember our departed loved ones for they can teach us the value of family and how much they have sacrificed and given for us to reap the life that we presently enjoy.

2. Family is everything
   No matter how much we are annoyed by some quirks of our relatives, we just have to be understanding and be more patient on them.
   They may sometimes give us a hard time but when you are down, no matter how big or small, your family will always be there for you and would never put you in harm's way.

3. Destiny will always find a way to make things right
   Always have faith that things will be better eventually in one way or another. But it doesn't mean that you just have to sit and wait for things to happen, destiny only sets the course but you still have to find your way through the right one.

4. The world is your stage, get out and sing!
   Have more confidence in yourself and do whatever your heart desires (except if it's illegal).
   What ever your talent is, show it to the world and make your loved ones proud.

5. The most wonderful blessings come in the most unexpected forms
   Look at things at a different perspective and always see the beauty and goodness in everything. No matter how dark the clouds become, there's always a silver lining and sometimes, it's already right under our noses. We just have to learn to appreciate things more to notice it.

   Overall, Coco is a very wonderful family film. Watch it with the whole family and don't forget to bring tissues because it will definitely make you cry.
