Arena of Valor Basic Laning Guide

MOBA What?

As a gamer, I've always been a fan of MMORPG's since it fosters teamwork due to the nature of role-playing. Each member of a party has his/her own role and the team could not function well if its incomplete. When I started playing MOBA, I got really confused because I thought the mechanics were very far from MMO's but after a few games and readings, I've realized that they might not be that different at all.

What are Lanes?

All MOBA games usually are in 5 vs. 5 format and the battlefield is in 3-lane format. Players start off in opposing sections of a square map with obstacles, monsters, towers and lanes. Yes, lanes. Each lane are protected by towers and they lead to the enemy's base. They are namely, top, middle and bottom lanes. The middle lane is often called the solo lane. It should always be soloed thus the hero that should take it should have crowd control skills and high damage. The others are side lanes that can be soloed or taken duo. The most often lane that is taken duo is the bottom lane. Bottom lane has to be cleared of towers first since there's a minion upgrade when you clear it. Top lane however should be taken by tanks.

Hero Roles

Each hero has a specific class just like in MMORPG which dictates their role in the game. The heroes can also use the lanes in their advantage since each lane were made for specific sets of heroes. The common roles are usually Warrior, Mage, Tank, Assasin & Support.

Heroes and Lanes

So I've made a suggested laning guide for users to know which lane is suitable for each type of hero. This is based on gamepplay and suggested by most blogs that I've read online. Tanks and warriors could alternate the side lanes (top & bottom) but the bottom has to be duo always even with a jungler present. Mid lane is always solo and can be taken by any ranged heroes. In AoV, Valhein usually solos mid and they often win. Valhein is great in pushing towers due to its high attack speed. The jungle on the other hand has to be taken by assassin types so that they could take all buffs and segue in helping as finisher during clash.

Do you have more info to add? Put it in the comments section below and don't forget to share this info to fellow AoV gamers.
