My Underconsumption Core

Owning a lot of stuff only adds up to your worries, because day by day, you would think about the inventory and upkeep of all the stuff that you own.
That's one of the biggest breakthroughs of my life in 2024. I finally got over the habit of impulsive buying. Now, I only buy intentionally. Buying with intention means buying with purpose. Buying without being influenced by others. Buying only what you need.
Getting out of the overconsumption cycle is difficult. Everyday we are being told to consume and consume. Working in the ad industry, that's what we tell people to do. But consuming less actually feels more freeing. Because you are not tied to material things on this physical plane.
I still have a long way to go, but I have also gone a long way already. As long as it makes me happy, I'm good.
