Packing Tips For Your Summer Adventure with Grind Philippines


Going places is surely fun and exciting but what we often dread is the time when we need to pack our things for the trip.

When you're an experienced traveler or a long-time adventurer, packing for essentials is a breeze but for newbies like me, even just thinking about choosing what to put inside my bag gives me a bit of pressure.

But during my recent independent trip to the pristine white sand Kingkim Beach in Burias, Glan, Sarangani Province, I have learned so much on how to make packing the stuff I need easy and fast.

Here are some tips that you might find helpful on your next adventure:

1. Google is Your Best Friend

Yes, this is really true. In this modern day and age, information is just one click away. All you need is an internet connection, and you're set to plan what useful things to bring. Just get what information you think is applicable to you and leave the rest to the internet.

Proper planning is very important most especially when you're going somewhere remote, where there is limited access to water, food or accommodation, so, it would be very helpful to search about where you're going and know a few details so you can bring everything in your bag, and not spend a lot on the way to your destination. Sometimes, stuff that you haven't brought but necessary could be bought on the way but would be an additional and unnecessary expense.

Also check the weather forecast on that day to make sure if you need to bring something to protect you from the weather or wear something light if it's humid and a bit Sunny.

2. Pack Light and Bring Only What You Need

When going on an adventure, either trekking, climbing or island hopping, you would enjoy more if you won't burden yourself with a lot of stuff to bring. Depending on which place you would go, the basics are water, food, shelter, light and clothing.

Bring water and food if there are no water source or local food available and bring a tent if there are no accommodations on the area. 

Just get something you think is enough to last for your consumption and remember that when consuming your rations, a little goes a long way.

3. Wear Something Comfortable, Light and Easy to Dry

In choosing which clothes to wear, the best option is to don a rash guard and shorts made with an easy to dry material. I wore a dri-fit Volcom rash guard from Grind Philippines, which is soft, comfy and dries easily. The weather wasn't that hot during that day so it wasn't necessary for me to wear a long-sleeved top and we weren't going anywhere with tall grass so my breathable shorts alone without leggings was enough for the trip.

I hanged my clothes to dry and wore my sleepwear during the night so I can reuse my clothes the next day thus, my bag had plenty of space for my water bottle and other essentials.

4. Always Think About The Environment

Cliche as it may sound, the motto Leave nothing but footprints, take nothing but pictures, kill nothing but time, still applies today. We only get to enjoy the beauty of nature if we keep on taking care of it so we should be mindful of our actions and always think about the environment first.

Avoid using single use plastics and bring a trash bag to take all your trash with you when you go home. Bring reusable cutlery, tumblers and plates, and use sunscreen that isn't dangerous to marine life.

My bag, which is a 35L backpack is from Parkland, a brand available in Grind Philippines is not only stylish, sturdy and spacious but also sustainable and environement-conscious. Parkland uses recycled plastic water bottles to make their products. The exterior of all their products is 100% made of recycled plastic water bottles and their mission is to inspire others about their story to make choices that are good for the environment without compromising style and quality.

If you're a more experienced traveler and have something to add to the list above, be sure to leave a comment below.
